Kapor Center for Social Impact

In 2014, Silicon Valley tech companies released diversity reports that shed light on the lack of diversity in tech. The road to success in the tech industry varies for everyone, but there are major barriers (leaks in the pipeline) for some that make it more difficult to enter and succeed in technical careers. The Kapor Center for Social Impact sought to shed light on and address these leaks in the professional development of underrepresented minorities, such as a lack of access to STEM education at an early age or biased hiring practices, that results in a pipeline of tech professionals that is disproportionate to the country’s population.


Spring 2015

Role: Developer, UX discovery

  • Blue State Digital
  • ExpressionEngine
  • Interactive
  • User Experience
Intro panel describing the Leaky Tech Pipeline
Preview of the internal page nav for each phase
Slide-in panel for a detailed look into each